Best garden hose pool vacuum

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Pools are a peaceful place to rest. You can enjoy your swimming, do some exercise. The pool adds to the beauty of your house. But, if you have a pool in the house, you are required to keep it clean, because not cleaning it continuously will make the pool dirty.

After the continuous use of the pool, there will be a lot of dust and debris. Every time you get into the pool, you leave your body dirt inside like body hair, soap traces. Apart from that, you should try to keep it clean so that there are no algae formed.

For this maintenance, you need to use pool vacuum. It will help in cleaning the pool and will avoid the growing of algae.

If your pool water is not of blue color, you should know that it is time to start cleaning the pool as you cannot swim in the dirty pool. You should vacuum from the pool before you shock the pool and remove every dirt particle from your pool.

Pool shock is a technique where you add chlorine to the swimming pool to kill the bacteria. It will in breaking all the adulterate that gets into the water. Once chlorine gets dissolved with all the dust in the pool, the pool starts to look dirtier. Then starts shock treatment.

Shock oxides inactive chlorine and then it converts into gas and is released in the air. You will realize that it is doing the job because you can smell chlorine in the air. The shock treatment makes the pool clearer.

This is a vital step done before shock treatment, which is called pool vacuum.
Ways can do efficient pool vacuum cleaning:

•    Manual pool vacuum
Manual pool vacuum has got a rubber pipe, vacuum head, and a pole. The first step will be to connect the pole with the rubber pipe. It will make a vacuum around and collect the dust with ease.  Next, you need to do to connect rubber tube to vacuum. Keep the other hand of hose in hand. If you see bubbles, then it is a good sign. After some time, when the water starts flowing smoothly, without any bubbles means the dust and debris are settled down.

•    Automatic pool vacuum
There are various varieties of automatic pool vacuums available in the market.

•    Pressure- side pool vacuum

•    Suction- side pool vacuum

The automatic pool vacuum cleans the pool totally by itself; it does not require any human interference. They can easily pick up all the small debris and dust; they can also get large leaves. The pool vacuum cleans the floor, walls and steps of the pool without any human interference. These automatic pools vacuum are expensive than manual pool vacuum.
So, the overall advantages of using pool vacuum are to keep the swimming pool clean and away from debris and algae.


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